The Van

Blessing BOX

This morning, Blessing BOX's Facebook page featured images of its pantry at different times of day, proof it's being used. Also proof it's being stocked by others not directly connected with the project. I remember how great that proof felt. We all know people are in need but struggle with faith in those same people. Or with faith that anyone cares enough to respond to that need at personal cost of time or money or effort. Yes. I remember.

This morning also, I got a call from someone asking about a mutual friend of ours who's been absent from social media for some time now. I explained her family is selling its home, and the transaction became complicated--that, likely, my friend, being sensitive and stressed, was limiting exposure to the negativity EVERYWHERE on social media. I can't say I blame her. People across the political spectrum can seem so mean. of the reasons why the Blessing BOX post was a blessing to me this morning. At the macro-level, it may be hard to see, but locally, people do have faith in other people. People re-affirm that faith. Next time you need proof, check out what The Van's doing in Central Arkansas. Its mission is "to locate and love our unsheltered, homeless neighbors," and its motto is "No rules. No apologies. Just help." People are wonderful.